Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tag Dari Kak Eynda

The rules are simple.
Use Google Image to search the answers to the question below.
Than you must choose a picture in the first page of result and post it as your answer.
After that tag 12 people.


Q1 : The age of your next birthday?

Q2 : Place I like to travel the most?

Q3 : My favourite food?

Q4 : Nickname that I have?

Q5 : My favourite color?

Q6 : The city I live now?

Q7 : The place I was born?

Q8 : My college major?

Q9 : My bad habbit?

Q10 : My hobby?

Q11 : My wish?

sape2 yg teringin nak buat tag nie buat la ye..... ira malas nak tag org la.....

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